there are a few reasons why i avoided blogging these few days..
the main reason is i was being overboard during the fashion show..
I dropped from 48 kg to 39 kg.
cuz i kept working without eating or sleeping..
don't believe me?
there are a few reasons why i avoided blogging these few days..
the main reason is i was being overboard during the fashion show..
I dropped from 48 kg to 39 kg.
cuz i kept working without eating or sleeping..
don't believe me?
(obviously i will photoshop it until i look human for the actual post)
Can you see my elbow bone jutting out?
My boobs dropped cup size. wt*
You can even see my collarbone, it's as if the skin is barely wrapping my body.
my cheeks is sunken
and i look as if i have hair loss.
and I am not even posing right! usually I will pose so that I will look thinner.. I do not even have to do that here.
How do I do tutorials when I am in such a state?
Hence I hired a producer for BlushBerry. Right now everything is scheuled, and I eat and sleep at the appropriate hour.
I was sleeping at 7 am.. waking up at 2 pm.. how crazy is that.
Now I am currently 42 kg.. still trying to put on weight.
Don't tell me that I am lucky.
My own father told me that I am ugly right in front of my face. T_T
Anyway, to celebrate the skeleton that I am..
I accidentally afro-ed my hair. The hair u see up above is blowdried and straightened.
there goes my hairstyling tutorials.
Anyway, no more bout me or my woes... today I am gonna show you a classic doll look.. big eyes..suitable for events or prom or costume events.
let's start!
It may look weird here.. but from far your eyes are gonna look like....
Dab a dot of red lipgloss in the center and smear them all over your lips!
Next post very soon...
BlushBerry Boutique is updated as well, all thanks to my new producer.
He is so hot. it makes me melt.
as if.