Hello dear readers! Starting from this month onwards, BlushBerry will have a monthly sales bash starting from this month!
During this time of the month, we will be selling different things which ranges from make up items, photoshop your favorite photos, a few you-must-own dresses which we found and other beauty accessories just for YOU at an AFFORDABLE PRICE!
1. Buy any 5 items and you are entitled to a 50% discount for any of the Artsy Fartsy items except for digital painting!
2. Buy 5 brush sets (RM 210 each) and get one pigment set(RM 80) for FREE!
3. RM 1 spent = 1 point collected.
Collect more than 200 points to get a 5% discount on all items!
Collect more than 400 points to get a 10% discount on all items!
600 points? 15% discount!
You get the drift... :)
Here is the preview of all the goodies in the BlushBerry Bash!
Clothings . Brushes . Pigments . Stamp Nail Art . OPI . Portraits . Digital Portraits . Photo Manipulation . Paintings
Click here to go to BlushBerry Bash!
BlushBerry Bash Clothings Brushes Pigments Stamp Nail Art OPI Potraits Digital Potraits Photo Manipulation Cosmetics Makeup Fashion Beauty