i dunno whether bb was hacked or what.. cuz you know the read more in every post, it is from blogoholic.info... n yesterday n today morning.. when you click into my blog u see the image above.. i wonder if its the script went haywire or someone planted the code there.
watever issit, i fixed it and I changed my password.. sorry for the server interruption yall!
anyway.. I will be at Urbanscapes tomorrow.. selling paintings and clothes. Drop by and I'll draw you a free portrait if you give me the password "We pick berries together-gether with BlushBerry!"
makeover cosmetics harmful ingredients fatal
Jun 26, 2009
BlushBerry Hacked
Jun 21, 2009
The Big Decision
I feel that if I blog only when I have tutorials, this blog will be long dead.
Its already invaded by some idiotic manga artist. 0_0
The truth is I am not so much a blogger. Well if you see male bloggers can pretty much blog about :
1. food
2. gadgets
3. chicks
4. events
5. photography
6. design
7. humour
and the list goes on.. but female bloggers are stereotyped into :
1. food camwhore
2. gadgets camwhore
3. party wild chick
4. models who are often in photography sessions
for those others who actually blog about something substantial.. they don't get as much readers as those chicks who put plenty of their pics up in the blog.
Don't believe me? Take a look at Xiaxue, Dawn Yang or Cheeserland..
People look at pretty girls..regardless of their intelligence or talents or watever. Seeing those names above the first thing that popped up in your mind is : why so many pics of themselves.. omg.
And you just scroll aimlessly down looking at the pics without delving into their content, no matter how intelligent or smart their post is. Sometimes you read.. sometimes you don't.
This was one of the reasons why I did not focus Blushberry on me.. I did not even introduce myself. heck. and there are no personal posts or personal photos watsoever unless they are from events related to Blushberry.
You'll never catch me posting up clubbing photos or some controversial photos of myself here..I dunno.. maybe its boring.. maybe I should brand myself into Blushberry.. I haven't decided.
cuz the truth is, running a beauty blog will never get me up in the Nuffnang charts. How many ads can they target to my blog anyway.. beauty ads.. fashion ads.. skincare healthcare..basically everything a lady is interested in. that's about it!
Now, you're probably thinking.. Emmagem did it. Tongue in Chic too. and a handful of others.
Yea, they got PEOPLE running their company. I've got people too. 3 chicks in my imagination and 2 random hot guys in my mind. I am just too freaking selfish to share.
My Daily Life in Crumbs
Wake up at 4 pm.
Go to the PC.
Eat when hungry.
Sleep at 7 am.
when I am free, I slot in blogging and photography. that's getting rarer n rarer nowadays.
{ **/ When I graduated, I made a staunch decision to quit the design.3d.arts industry. low pay + bad working hours. I went as far as to standing up a few interviews at some top companies just to make sure there is really no path back into the industry for me.
a friend once told me, 'if design is your fate, you can't run from it.' Blushberry was meant to be a beauty blog, but it has became a publicity tool for my designs which I charge real low cuz I DON'T PLAN TO DO IT in the first place!!
Now I am sucked back in. /**}
I am tired. I lacked sleep. I lacked exercise. I lacked food. I look like a fucking zombie. I miss BlushBerry... most of all I miss replying comments from yall..heck I don't even check my blog traffic anymore.
So I have decided.
Blushberry will no longer be about beauty.
As of today, Blushberry will be about beauty, design and me.
** My father once told me, "When you are presenting Iphone. Impress them with Iphone. Give a brand to Apple. But most important of all, make every single one remember you."**
I am Haze Long
Jun 12, 2009
Jun 3, 2009
Star Metro
Here's another article that featured me.
makeover cosmetics harmful ingredients fatal
Jun 2, 2009
The Sun is your Best Friend
all waiting for salary and allowance ya.. hehe..
Today I m going to teach you how to make urself look like a zombie.
Wait til its dark.
Go to the toilet with no windows.
Take out a camera, switch on the flash.
and snap yourself.

Now, imagine her name is um... Elena. Elena might think its as easy as lining her eyes with black liner, or swiping a swatch of black eyeshadow. but YOU know better.

After you dust on some magic powder on the browbone, you are one step closer to becoming Elena. OMG.

Blend well, stone zombie.. blend well.

Eventhough you are a stone zombie, you feel happy in your stoney heart cuz yours look like the left.

Get out of your house.
You'll be in the shade of the roof.
Walk a few more steps and the sun is blazing right at you.
Take as little steps back as you can to avoid the sunrays.
Once there, get a camera.

Just you, the sun and black eyeshadow.
You'll even get pretty reflections in your eyes!